Thursday, November 17, 2011


If you become a Correctional Officer and work in a jail you will see that each day is different from the the last. You have different situations that play out and you will have to work with all types of inmates.

There is a an underlying rule between inmates and deputies that can really go a long way in terms of making the job easier. That rule is: Show respect and you will get respect. It's important to realize that even though these people are criminals, they are still people. Respect goes a long way with anyone but even more with inmates.

Obviously being respectful doesn't prevent every situation from escalating but it definitely helps in the majority of situations. There are still times when you need to move inmates to a maximum security unit, charge them and/or use force but being respectful and communicating your expectations in a way that is not belittling will greatly minimize the need to do these things.

Inmates who feel they have been disrespected by anyone often feel the need to take some kind of action so as not to loose the respect of other inmates they are housed with. This is what can often cause a small situation to turn into a large problem very quickly.

Applying common sense in this area will help significantly. Do you like being reprimanded for doing something wrong in front of a group of people? Or would you prefer to be talked to in private? Do you like to be accused of something or do you prefer to have the opportunity to explain yourself? Do you like when people talk to you in a sarcastic tone? Do you like being mocked? Do you like being yelled at or threatened? It is important that you are careful about what you say, how you say it, and when and where you say it.

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